Roof protection against snow and ice
The Norwegian winter with frequent weather changes can create challenges for building owners in the cityscape. Melting snow and freezing conditions often presents challenges. It creates dangerous situations for passers-by.
As a property owner, you are responsible for clearing the roof after every snowfall, and for taking immediate action if there is an immediate risk of something falling. Moving around on roofs, especially slippery sloping roofs, combined with snow or ice, involves a high risk of falling and should not be done without adequate protection.
We enter the roof and establish anchor points on the roof, rappel or walk to the cornice. Our technicians are always anchored in two different anchor points. If the main rope should be damaged, we always have an extra safety barrier. This is in accordance with the Working Environment Act's requirements for safe working conditions at height. In this way, we can easily access the areas where installation work is to be carried out. Our procedures for securing all loose objects, as well as barriers and ground guards at street level, make our working methods safe, cost-effective and easy to carry out.
Høyden AS can take preventive measures to protect your roof from heavy winter precipitation. Before the winter season, our access technicians can install snow stopper netting on already established snow stoppers that provide a stronger barrier against snow and ice fall. If there are no snow stoppers on the roof, we can install this as well. This will significantly reduce the risk of something sliding off the roof.
Cleaning and installing heating cables in gutters will both prevent ice formation and the risk of landslides, as well as ensuring a longer service life for gutters by preventing ice and snow from accumulating.
Høyden provides snow removal in the event of heavy snowfall and assignments can be booked on an ongoing basis. We would like to point out that when it snows, many people want to have their roofs cleared. We can therefore not guarantee that we can arrive on the day, but we will of course strive to ensure that all roofs are cleared.
§ 4-1. Snow, ice and falling objects from roofs
Regulations on police statutes, Oslo municipality
When snow or ice may fall from rooftops towards a public place, the owner must immediately set up signs or similar devices that make it clear that traffic is associated with danger and as soon as possible ensure that the roof is cleared. Signs must be removed no later than after 7 days unless the owner can document a longer waiting time for requested assistance for roof clearance.
The owner of a building or plot of land, or the person who carries out the clearing, must not remove snow or ice from the property so that it is an obstacle or inconvenience to traffic in a public place. The owner of a building or plot of land facing a public place is obliged to clear the sidewalk outside the property of snow and ice as soon as possible after snow has fallen from the roof.