It is possible to replace windows on buildings where all work is carried out from ropes. This means that there will be no need for a lift, facade cradle (BMU) or other installations to carry out the actual work.

Replacing a window using rope as a working method will, under normal circumstances, be more cost-effective and more efficient procedurally.

It is possible to replace windows at all heights. For example, on a building that is 110 meters high, a window can be replaced at 95. In this and other cases, a rig with lifting equipment will be set up on the roof of the building. Depending on the complexity of the assignment, one or two people will be responsible for operating the lifting equipment from the building's roof. In addition, anchoring is rigged for those who will perform the actual work on the building's facade. We always work in teams of two or more, as the operations are complex and require considerable physical capacity.

Existing windows to be replaced are released by two people in ropes anchored from the roof and lowered to the site. In addition, two people are located on the ground who use a diagonal rope to ensure that the window does not hit or come close to the building when it is lowered. The window is secured with suction cups attached to a vertical rope attached to the roof. The window is lowered in a controlled manner and reaches the ground approximately 10 meters from the facade.

Similarly, a new window is raised in the same way by means of a winch which is also anchored to the building's roof. Two people will in turn arrange for the installation of a new window as well as sealing and installation of fittings.

A window replacement will normally be carried out at night as there is no activity in the building. This is to create access to the building where it must be blocked off areas under which the work is carried out, and that it does not disturb people who work where the window is replaced.

All in all, the operation can be carried out in approx.
10 - 15 hours, depending on complexity. It will also be possible to perform further operations such as inspection, assembly, etc. as equipment is rigged for window replacement. This will mean that costs for start-up and rigging will be marginal in relation to starting a new operation.


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Fall arrest systems

